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Buñuelos and Berries

Buñuelos and Berries

This recipe is credited to Celina, my daughter.  She selected buñuelos as her pastry-base for some newly picked and garden fresh berries she brought to the house for a Mother-Day celebration.  The recipe for buñuelos, the Mexican fritter, is published on this very same blog.  Link to: BUÑUELOS for see that recipe.

To my surprise, the buñuelos turned out to be more than a pastry-foundation for stacking the berries.  The anise flavoring in the buñuelo paired magically with the honyed  berries.  Hay dios mío, what a beautiful thing.  Let’s get started.




Serves 4

4 oz black berries

4 oz rasberries

4 oz blueberries

4 oz strawberries

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon water

1 cup whipped cream

4 sprigs of mint for garnish




Rinse the berries in water, drain and set aside.   Place the honey in a bowl and mix in a teaspoon of water to thin out the honey so that coats the berries evenly.  Add the berries into the bowl of honey and very gently mix the berries using a folding action.   Top each buñuelo with berries; top berries with whipped cream and a sprig of mint.  Hay dios mío, what a beautiful thing.



Buen Provecho

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1 Comment

  1. Good stuff, Hank.